LF Run Ascalon-->Ascension-->Citadel (Survivor)
Hello Im seeking to get survivor title on my Monk
I will need a run from Ascalon To a desert tour. I must not die. (at lions arch i will stop by cantha and pick up max armor over there). Then I will need all 3 desert missions completed for me. After that I would like a power level to 15, then I will ascend. Once i finished ascending I will need help with both 15 attribute quests. Then at last I will need a run to Citadel without me dying and cap shield of judgement (i can cap it with henchies, but you may help if you will do it for free or cheap)
I will not go AFK during this run, but i may minimize gw and read forums if im not in danger.
please leave an IGN and estimated price here.